Hi, my name is

Marcin Suski.

I am a web developer from Poland. If you want to work with me, just reach out.
Otherwise, feel free to check out my projects.

About me

Hey there, I'm Marcin! 👋

I am a frontend web developer, specialising in JavaScript/TypeScript. I mostly work in React environment but I'm always open to learn and expand my tech stack.
I dare do say I am a problem-solver. For many years I've been working as a project manager and it's easier for me as a developer to communicate with my clients and understand their needs.
I'm always looking and digging to find new solutions and new opportunities to expand and to achieve better performance.

that's me
Languages Frameworks Tools Other skills
javascript typescript node.js python html css sass
react next MUI tailwindcss redux
git mysql mysql figma
problem-solver Chalange-oriented
detail-oriented detail-oriented
analytical thinking Strategic thinking
planning Time management
team-player human relations
project management Project management

Some of my projects:

Crypto Coin Tracker

Web app with cryptocurrency list based on market cap along with individual coin page data and charts. Built in React and Material UI along with CSS modules.


Web SPA allowing to follow users income and expenses in monthly timespan. Charts display the division of income/expense categories.

DALLE clone

A fullstack (MERN) web app based on OpenAI API, allowing to create, post and download AI generated (DALL-E) pictures based on text prompts.

Finance Dashboard

A fullstack (MERN) web app with various finance-data charts page and predictions page including machine-learning predictions.

Other projects:

Next blog template

A sample blog made in Next.js with dynamic routes, next.js backend and markup language to create well-formatted posts.

Food ordering app

Food ordering front-end dummy website built with React and Firebase, based on real restaurant. App allows to add items to cart and manage cart up to accepting order (data goes into dummy database).

Todo App

Todo App with toggle dark/light-mode with filtering tasks by state and deleting completed tasks. Made in React.js with TypeScript and Redux-Toolkit for state management.

Admin Dashboard

Admin dashboard contains sections with various types of data: general dashboard, tables with users data, charts, profile form, calendar, FAQ page.


Web App to add workouts and pin them on a map (Leaflet library). App uses geolocalisation and localstorage to store workouts (backend in future). Made in Vanilla JavaScript.

Time-tracking dashboard

Frontent RWD for a time-tracking dashboard using local JSON to display data and toggle various time views. Made in Vanilla JavaScript.

Contact me:

Thanks for taking time to reach out!

I'm currently looking to join a new team of creative designers and developers.
If you think we might be a good fit for each another, give me a call or contact me via form or email.
address Kraków
tel number +48 502 204 651